Friday, July 26, 2013

Pay it Forward

I love TED talks; I really do! I am most excited that you would require this of your students, Dr. Sterken. I started listening to TED talks a few years ago ACTUALLY because of you. We share the same hair stylist, Shannon Cooper. I was in Shannon's chair a few years ago when you shared with her a TED talk that you believed she sound see. I asked Shannon what TED talks were, looked it up, and have been hooked ever since. I've never told you that before, but after watching Drew Dudley's TED talk on everyday leadership, I felt that you should know that you are the reason I was first introduced to TED a few years ago!

This TED talk is actually a coincidence. Funny how that happens, huh? Oddly enough, Mark Clements from HR came into my office earlier today, and we were talking about how he helped me years ago with my resume. My resume was really lacking when I first applied at the university 7+ years ago. {{In Novemeber, I will have worked at UT Tyler for 5 years. How is that even possible? It certainly doesn't seem like its been 5 years!}} Mark was working in HR and was the individual that emailed applicants that they had NOT receieved the job that they applied for. After nearly 2 years of applying for positions but not being hired at the university, I contacted Mark, who offered to look over my resume. My resume was terrible, and he kindly pointed it out. I eventually was hired at the university, likely because of his assistance with my resume. Since then, I met a young alum who was in the same position as me years ago, Rana. Rana had been looking for a teaching position for over 2 years, and was still unable to find a school district that would hire her. I 'paid it forward', and took what I had learned from resume writing from Mark, and applied it to Rana's resume. I actually just received an email last week from Rana who has been hired by a local school district! In turn, she has promised to help someone with their job search and resume like I helped her, and like Mark helped me. It's just like Dudley pointed out in his TED discussion, we really can celebrate leadership as the everyday act of improving other's lives. Leadership isn't only for the extraordinary!

This TED talk directly correlates to Covey's Habit 6: Synergize. By combining the strengths of individuals with positive teamwork, goals are accomplished that likely could not have been if an individual was working alone. If it had not been for Mark, I would not have been in the position to help Rana, and I know that Rana will also pay it forward. 

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