Sunday, July 14, 2013

Post 2 - Covey

Having previously read Stephen R. Covey's book, 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People', the word paradigm has since become my favorite word. Seriously. The way I explain the word to those who do not know what it means, is, 'paradigm is the way in which we see the world; the lens through which we perceive almost everything." One's outlook on a particular issue often times determines one's mindset, beliefs, and attitude. By changing our paradigm, or the way we look at things, our plan of action, etc. often changes. 

One of my favorite exercises is to look at a drawing that has multiple images and each person sees something else. It's the same thing when you look up at clouds with a person; one person could see a smiling crocodile while the other sees a monkey holding a balloon. It's all in the way a person looks at something. This is precisely what Covey is demonstrating with the old woman/young woman drawing in his 'inside-out' chapter.

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